I've got a boatload of pictures to put up, and there's at least one person still reading this (for the rest of you, don't forget to leave a comment), so I guess I better get going. There's a nice park near our new apartment that I took Addie to a couple of months ago while Ame was teaching a childbirth education class. The park has a nice man-made pond with a walking trail all the way around, with ducks and geese and turtles and all kinds of good stuff. See for yourself:
Addie checking out the ducks from the foot bridge. You can just see one duck over her right shoulder:

Getting mighty brave in checking out one of the ducks in a little closer proximity:

Then while I was trying to get some closeup pictures of the waddling ducks, Addie walked around behind me for a few seconds before coming back and presenting this to me:

(Note for the PETA crowd: This blog, and the authorship thereof, that being defined as Wes and/or Ame, does in no way promote nor value the removal of the waterfowl egg from its native habitat. The juvenile waterfowl egg is to receive constant care and attention if it is to grow into an adult waterfowl egg. Really, you can blame the ducks for leaving it out in the open like that. Or blame another kid for moving it to where my daughter could pick it up.)
Our gorgeous girl gazing at a gaggle of geese grazing on the grass:

Baby geese! (A two-word phrase repeated every few seconds by a certain member of the family, namely the small one, while she watched me write this post.)