The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Friday, August 01, 2008

Potty Learning

Last Friday Addie suddenly decided to start using the little potty she got from Grandpa and Nana for Christmas. (thanks grandpa and nana) We were not at all prepared for this developmental leap. I have not read anything about potty training and if you know me you know that means I had NO idea what to do. I LOVE to research everything, know what my options are and then go from there. Instead I suddenly was thrust into the world of potty training/learning, training pants, underwear and everything that comes with them. So I took a deep breath and tried to do what we have striven to do all along in our parenting and just trust Addie and follow her lead.

This doesn't mean that I didn't also frantically search the internet for cloth training pants and anything I could find to read about potty learning. I did do that, but I also tried to play it cool with Addie and not let her see that she was totally throwing me for a loop-I assume this will be good practice for all of the other changes that come in our parenting lives-I think I will have a much harder time playing it cool when she goes on her first date or asks for the car keys!

So after all of my internet research I learned that its hard to find the kind of trainers I wanted in her size for a price that fits in our budget. So whats a crafty mom going to do? See that as a personal challenge to make said ideal pair of training pants! What follows (and have come before) are pictures of Addie running around in her brand new, hot off the sewing machine undies.


Blogger Kim Adams said...

Hey, I like those undies! Someday I will get around to making some. I will post some patterns I've collected on the board since I know someone else who might also be interested.

9:54 PM  

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