The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Winnie the what?

A quick note to begin with: for those of you still keeping up with this blog (despite our best attempts not to post at any regular interval), do us a favor and leave a comment at the end of this post. Just click on the link that says "X comments" (X being the number of comments left so far) and type a simple comment, such as "I wish the two of you would update this blog more often," in the right-hand side. You can even do it anonymously if you so desire. We're still going to keep up with the blog, if for nothing else so we can have a record of things that Addie does as she grows, but if there are actually people still reading we'll make a more concerted effort to update more often. It's a win-win, really.

So, on to this brief post. "Winnie the what?" is a reference to Addie's many names for the beloved bear. We have a small stuffed Winnie the Pooh doll that Addie just can't seem to get the name of. First it was simply "Pooh," which was fine. But our word for when Addie goes #2 is "poo," and so she became justifiably slightly confused. This didn't become apparent until Addie began to pick up on my mom's word for #2, "poop," and began referring to Winnie as "Poop" instead of "Pooh." Now she's back to "Pooh," but when we try to clarify by saying "Pooh bear" (so she knows the difference between Winnie and her own bodily functions) she replies in turn with "Pee bear." Addie really has quite the potty mouth.

That's all for this post. I've got a huge cache of pictures just waiting to be posted, and they'll go up even quicker if I see the comments section rapidly filling up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep posting! I'm still reading... Tell Ame nice job on the underpants. Tres chic!

~Jenn Williams

9:31 AM  
Blogger Peachtree said...

Ok, I just found your blog, and I will be reading it . . . FYI.

That bit about 'winnie-the-what' is one of the funniest I've heard in a long time! "Pee-Bear" . . . I'm going to have to try really hard not to quote that at the wrong time or in front of the wrong person!!

What will you do when baby #2 comes along? Start another blog?

3:20 PM  

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