The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Friday, September 05, 2008

Just Because

Because sometimes all you need is something good to read during those tough times.

Because there's not much better than finding exactly what you're shopping for.

Because ghost stories are just plain better with flashlights.

Because I'd really rather not go down that slide, Mom.

Because I'll grow into these shoes... eventually.

Because who says there's only one right way to wear a shirt?

Because surely there are enough minutes on this phone, anyway.

Because having a roll of masking tape stuck to your back isn't as fun as you might think.

Because I'm just that cool, daddy-o.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the blog!!! It helps me keep up with you guys and Addie!!!! She is too more least when you have time.


9:39 PM  

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