Day 151
Addie is 5 months old today (or 151 days, whichever you prefer). Somehow 5 months seems a lot older than 151 days. She's on the verge of crawling, and I don't think we're really ready for that yet. I do believe that a thorough house-cleaning is in order.
I think I shall officially adopt a style of parenting known as "Knock On Wood Parenting." I've noticed that ending any sentence about the baby with the word "yet" is a surefire way to make that "yet" a thing of the past. Case in point: a couple of days ago Ame handed me the baby after she had finished nursing. She was wearing a diaper (cloth, of course), but no diaper cover. Noting how often she pees, I remarked to Ame, "I'm surpised she hasn't peed yet." Not more than five seconds later, the front of my shirt looked like this:

We have a large plastic tub sitting in our living room that is full of clothes that are (supposedly, though I've seen little evidence of this) being sorted. Addie found her way over there while lying on the floor, and upon further investigation I noticed that she was in fact licking the tub.

Indeed, she seems content to investigate whatever is within arm's reach, including one of Dad's shoes.

Lastly, Addie has taken a keen interest in my watch lately. Whenever she realizes that I'm wearing it, it takes quite the effort to pry her eyes away. So today I let her play with it a bit, and then held it up in front of her and moved it back and forth, letting her track it. Apparently I was moving the watch a little too fast, though, because she was a step behind (or ahead, depending on how you look at it) of where I was. Ame and I were enjoying this immensely, and decided that a video would be a good idea. Addie is more interested in the camera than in the watch at first, but about halfway through she finally catches on. Well, not really catches on, as when the watch goes one direction her head goes the other, but you get the point. If you get half as much enjoyment out of this video as Ame and I did, you're in for a treat. Here you are.
I think I shall officially adopt a style of parenting known as "Knock On Wood Parenting." I've noticed that ending any sentence about the baby with the word "yet" is a surefire way to make that "yet" a thing of the past. Case in point: a couple of days ago Ame handed me the baby after she had finished nursing. She was wearing a diaper (cloth, of course), but no diaper cover. Noting how often she pees, I remarked to Ame, "I'm surpised she hasn't peed yet." Not more than five seconds later, the front of my shirt looked like this:
We have a large plastic tub sitting in our living room that is full of clothes that are (supposedly, though I've seen little evidence of this) being sorted. Addie found her way over there while lying on the floor, and upon further investigation I noticed that she was in fact licking the tub.
Indeed, she seems content to investigate whatever is within arm's reach, including one of Dad's shoes.
Lastly, Addie has taken a keen interest in my watch lately. Whenever she realizes that I'm wearing it, it takes quite the effort to pry her eyes away. So today I let her play with it a bit, and then held it up in front of her and moved it back and forth, letting her track it. Apparently I was moving the watch a little too fast, though, because she was a step behind (or ahead, depending on how you look at it) of where I was. Ame and I were enjoying this immensely, and decided that a video would be a good idea. Addie is more interested in the camera than in the watch at first, but about halfway through she finally catches on. Well, not really catches on, as when the watch goes one direction her head goes the other, but you get the point. If you get half as much enjoyment out of this video as Ame and I did, you're in for a treat. Here you are.