The Photo Gallery, part VII
It's been a busy week, and we've got pictures (and more video, finally!) to prove it.
Addie is becoming quite the roller-over-er (translation: she rolls over a lot), though she has yet to make successive rolls in the same direction. She has, however, repeatedly rolled from her back to her stomach, then from her stomach to her back, then from her back to her stomach again.
She is also doing quite well at holding her upper body up with her arms. She's beginning to kick her legs, much in the same was as a frog might do, in an (unsuccessful) attempt to move forward. She doesn't actually get anywhere, but she looks funny doing it.
She also had a bit of unintentional alone time on Thursday. Ame had washed a load of diapers and was making repeated trips out the back door to hang them up on the clothesline that we rigged up. Well, on one of these trips the wind blew in from the windows in the front of the apartment and actually shut the back door, locking Ame outside and leaving poor Addie crying on the living room floor. Shoeless and phoneless, Ame decided to go next door to see if our neighbors were there, so she could use their phone to call a locksmith. No such luck. So what next? Ame went to the front of the house (thankfully we live on the ground floor) and proceeded to push in the screen from an open living room window and crawl in, with a rather perplexed-looking Addie as her audience. Perhaps most disconcerting is not that one can push in the screens of our living room windows and crawl inside, but that one can do it in the middle of the day on a busy street without a single call to the police. We'll be closing and locking our windows from now on.
Not only does Addie kick like a frog when she's on the ground, she does it in the water as well. We gave her a bath a couple of days ago, and I finally thought to document it. I've uploaded two more videos on YouTube, which you can see here and here. They're both pretty much the same, but they're each too cute to be left out.
Now, on to the pictures.
We had a rather purple day at church this morning. Ame put on a purple shirt, I put on a purple tie, and we figured we might as well complete the look with a purple dress for Addie.

Happy Addie:

Addie finding herself wrapped up in her blanket:

"I swear, I wasn't doing anything..."

Lying on her blanket after a recent diaper change, Addie looked up and noticed that her basket of toys was just a short s-t-r-e-t-c-h away. And... success!

We went for a little hike at our local state park yesterday. Addie got to take it all in from the luxurious front-row seat, in a sling that Ame rigged up to carry her in. She was thrilled (though you can't tell by this picture) to be able to kick her legs (again, of course, as frog-like as possible).

Lastly, the author Henry James once stated that "summer afternoon" are "the two most beautiful words in the English language." That may very well be, and I have no desire to contest his point, but I would like to submit that the two cutest words in the English language, without doubt, are "baby's butt."
Addie is becoming quite the roller-over-er (translation: she rolls over a lot), though she has yet to make successive rolls in the same direction. She has, however, repeatedly rolled from her back to her stomach, then from her stomach to her back, then from her back to her stomach again.
She is also doing quite well at holding her upper body up with her arms. She's beginning to kick her legs, much in the same was as a frog might do, in an (unsuccessful) attempt to move forward. She doesn't actually get anywhere, but she looks funny doing it.
She also had a bit of unintentional alone time on Thursday. Ame had washed a load of diapers and was making repeated trips out the back door to hang them up on the clothesline that we rigged up. Well, on one of these trips the wind blew in from the windows in the front of the apartment and actually shut the back door, locking Ame outside and leaving poor Addie crying on the living room floor. Shoeless and phoneless, Ame decided to go next door to see if our neighbors were there, so she could use their phone to call a locksmith. No such luck. So what next? Ame went to the front of the house (thankfully we live on the ground floor) and proceeded to push in the screen from an open living room window and crawl in, with a rather perplexed-looking Addie as her audience. Perhaps most disconcerting is not that one can push in the screens of our living room windows and crawl inside, but that one can do it in the middle of the day on a busy street without a single call to the police. We'll be closing and locking our windows from now on.
Not only does Addie kick like a frog when she's on the ground, she does it in the water as well. We gave her a bath a couple of days ago, and I finally thought to document it. I've uploaded two more videos on YouTube, which you can see here and here. They're both pretty much the same, but they're each too cute to be left out.
Now, on to the pictures.
We had a rather purple day at church this morning. Ame put on a purple shirt, I put on a purple tie, and we figured we might as well complete the look with a purple dress for Addie.
Happy Addie:
Addie finding herself wrapped up in her blanket:
"I swear, I wasn't doing anything..."
Lying on her blanket after a recent diaper change, Addie looked up and noticed that her basket of toys was just a short s-t-r-e-t-c-h away. And... success!
We went for a little hike at our local state park yesterday. Addie got to take it all in from the luxurious front-row seat, in a sling that Ame rigged up to carry her in. She was thrilled (though you can't tell by this picture) to be able to kick her legs (again, of course, as frog-like as possible).
Lastly, the author Henry James once stated that "summer afternoon" are "the two most beautiful words in the English language." That may very well be, and I have no desire to contest his point, but I would like to submit that the two cutest words in the English language, without doubt, are "baby's butt."
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