The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monkey Butt

Cloth diapering, which we are doing, requires some sort of cover so that when the diaper gets wet, everything else doesn't. So, Ame started making covers out of wool yarn, as they breathe well, don't have to be washed all the time, are naturally antibacterial, and work as bottoms so we don't have to put pants on the baby all the time. So far we have about three completely boring pairs whose saving grace is the one pair modeled after the sock monkeys of old (note: it is surprisingly difficult to find a decent picture of a sock monkey using Google's image search). That's right, there is a sock monkey's face on the butt of this pair. Or, to put it another way, Addie has a monkey on her butt.

Here is an interesting little picture. The device in Ame's hand is what she calls a "sweater shaver." It's battery-powered and is used to remove the fuzz from sweaters (and other wool garments) when they start to pill. So, here, you have a picture of Ame, quite literally, shaving Addie's butt. You saw it here first.

My mom was up to visit this weekend, and visits are never complete without at least one photoshoot whose subject is Addie. Here we have something of an outtake, where Addie is supposed to be showing off her monkey butt to Grandma but is instead a little too interested in the other person with a camera.

Nothing too exciting here, but our sleeping baby is cute as the dickens.

We're now completely out of "Monkey Butt" territory. I could have titled this post as the next in "The Photo Gallery" series, but I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to put "Monkey Butt" in big, bold letters at the top. We took Addie out for a stroll in this behemoth (but adorable) stroller that Cat (that's Aunt Cat to Addie) bought and refinished last year, when Addie was somewhere between a twinkle in her daddy's eye and her current 6-month-old status. The stroller is apparently a European thing, where they can lie down when they're little (there is a removeable Moses basket, which has obviously been removed here) and sit up when they're larger. Anyway, as I was saying, we took her for a stroll around town a few nights ago and snapped a few pictures when we got back. She likes cameras and enjoys having her picture taken, so I've got a few pictuers here to capture the fun (in the last two Addie decided to move in for closeups, so we've got Mom's hand in there to stop her from faceplanting on the floor).

This one's a likely candidate for the "Bring out for the future boyfriends" scrapbook.

Absolutely adorable.

That's all for now.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Addie Burrito

This'll be just a quick little post since we haven't updated the blog in a few weeks. We were in St. Louis last weekend when Addie, lying on a blanket, grabbed one edge and rolled herself into a little Addie burrito. Thankfully the camera doesn't capture sound, since she was crying by the time I got the camera out of the case and snapped these pictures.

Addie is also sitting up by herself, something that she just started doing rather suddenly. She's really doing quite well, able (and content) to sit there for 15 minutes or more (not that we've ever actually timed her, though). And now that she can sit up, she's becoming less and less happy to lie down, to the point where she'll start vocally protesting when it's time to have her diaper changed.

So there ya go. We've got some more black and white pictures to put up sometime soon.