She Just Keeps Changing
Once again I have gone too long without updating. Time flies. We can now most certainly understand when people make comments like "Next thing you know she'll be graduating college and getting married." It's hard to believe that she's been here an entire 11 weeks (as of tomorrow), but at the same time it's almost hard to imagine when she wasn't here.
I would like to take this opportunity to boast in the fact that on Thursday I elicited the first laugh from Addie. She was lying on the floor after a diaper change, was considerably smiley (she usually is after a diaper change; then again, I'm sure I would be, too) and had become rather wiggly. Determined to fulfill my parental responsibility of being as goofy as possible to make her smile, I began saying (in a funny voice) "Wiggle wiggle wiggle" and moving closer to her face as I did so. This, to Addie at least, was a fun game, so much so that began making happy noises (which she has been doing anyway). This of course forced me to continue in my goofiness, and before long she was creating those happy noises in such a succession that it came out as a laugh. And she did this multiple times.
Of course, Ame was in the shower for this entire procession, but she was able to witness the laughing (though not quite as pronounced) today. I felt a little guilty for getting the first laugh (I think I got the first smile, too), but Ame made sure that I was aware that, since she's staying at home, she'll likely be getting the first crawling and walking and talking (and bumping her head and breaking things and sticking forks in electric outlets) and so forth.
From time to time we'll hold Addie in front of the mirror, and she will occasionally make eye contact with herself and smile. I'm certain that she doesn't actually recognize herself yet, but it's cute all the same. I think she's just happy to see another cute baby.
We are saddened to report that Addie appears to be losing her beautiful (and ridiculously soft) hair. However, she appears to only be losing it, or losing it primarily, along one strip around her dome. Really, she looks a bit like Homer Simpson in reverse.
Addie seems to have discovered her hands. She has begun to hold them in front of her and just look at them, and can occasionally interlock her fingers to a certain degree. Her hands are also making their way into her mouth more and more. At times she will have one hand in her mouth while the other rests behind it, almost as though she's using one hand to hold the other in her mouth. This is humorous to us, but we're easily amused.
That is about the extent of the updates for now, at least as far as I can remember. It seems that no matter what I write, there is always something that I remember later that I should have included. At least I can always add it to the next post. Now for some pictures. These are just some random pictures that we've taken since, well, Addie was born. Some of them are relatively new, some not. Enjoy.
With matching zip-up sweather and hat:

Addie doing her best "I'm an adult, really" impersonation:

Preparing to go out into the cold for a trip to the store, we put Addie in this pink bunting to keep her warm. Lo and behold, the thing started to swallow her alive. Thankfully, we were able to rescue her before things went too far.

Preppy baby with her Ralph Lauren polo, her pink pants, and rather unenthused look:

Want a description? Read the shirt.

Lastly, here she is at two or three days old. It's amazing how much she's changed in this short time.
I would like to take this opportunity to boast in the fact that on Thursday I elicited the first laugh from Addie. She was lying on the floor after a diaper change, was considerably smiley (she usually is after a diaper change; then again, I'm sure I would be, too) and had become rather wiggly. Determined to fulfill my parental responsibility of being as goofy as possible to make her smile, I began saying (in a funny voice) "Wiggle wiggle wiggle" and moving closer to her face as I did so. This, to Addie at least, was a fun game, so much so that began making happy noises (which she has been doing anyway). This of course forced me to continue in my goofiness, and before long she was creating those happy noises in such a succession that it came out as a laugh. And she did this multiple times.
Of course, Ame was in the shower for this entire procession, but she was able to witness the laughing (though not quite as pronounced) today. I felt a little guilty for getting the first laugh (I think I got the first smile, too), but Ame made sure that I was aware that, since she's staying at home, she'll likely be getting the first crawling and walking and talking (and bumping her head and breaking things and sticking forks in electric outlets) and so forth.
From time to time we'll hold Addie in front of the mirror, and she will occasionally make eye contact with herself and smile. I'm certain that she doesn't actually recognize herself yet, but it's cute all the same. I think she's just happy to see another cute baby.
We are saddened to report that Addie appears to be losing her beautiful (and ridiculously soft) hair. However, she appears to only be losing it, or losing it primarily, along one strip around her dome. Really, she looks a bit like Homer Simpson in reverse.
Addie seems to have discovered her hands. She has begun to hold them in front of her and just look at them, and can occasionally interlock her fingers to a certain degree. Her hands are also making their way into her mouth more and more. At times she will have one hand in her mouth while the other rests behind it, almost as though she's using one hand to hold the other in her mouth. This is humorous to us, but we're easily amused.
That is about the extent of the updates for now, at least as far as I can remember. It seems that no matter what I write, there is always something that I remember later that I should have included. At least I can always add it to the next post. Now for some pictures. These are just some random pictures that we've taken since, well, Addie was born. Some of them are relatively new, some not. Enjoy.
With matching zip-up sweather and hat:
Addie doing her best "I'm an adult, really" impersonation:
Preparing to go out into the cold for a trip to the store, we put Addie in this pink bunting to keep her warm. Lo and behold, the thing started to swallow her alive. Thankfully, we were able to rescue her before things went too far.
Preppy baby with her Ralph Lauren polo, her pink pants, and rather unenthused look:
Want a description? Read the shirt.

Lastly, here she is at two or three days old. It's amazing how much she's changed in this short time.

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