The Photo Gallery, part II (and some words, too)
I was beginning to think that this second installment of The Photo Gallery may indeed include too many pictures, but then I realized what a ridiculous proposition this was. Too many pictures of Addie? No such thing.
But... you don't get to see them quite yet. A few words from the Dad first:
I try to make a conscious effort to talk to the baby while changing her diaper and her clothes, if for nothing else to alleviate the boredom (either for her or for myself). While taking her clothes on and off, this often takes the form of describing what, exactly, I'm doing, so that I'm saying things like "And the right arm goes through the right armhole. And you put the left leg in..." Then I realized yesterday that what is really going on is the world's slowest game of the Hokey-Pokey. You put the right arm in. You put the right arm out. You put the right arm in, and you shake it all about. She hasn't quite made it to You do the Hokey-Pokey and you turn yourself around, but give it time.
On to less amusing news: Addie's umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday. That's really all there is to say about that.
Depressingly, the baby seems to have developed a food allergy to something in Ame's diet. Parts of Addie's face, neck, and chest (and, unfortunately, much of the diaper area) has broken out into bunches of little bumps. Ame consulted the local La Leche League leader to ask about this and was told that it's likely either milk or wheat, both of which are consumed in large quantity by a certain two members of our household. So, Ame's homework for the next month is to cut dairy from her diet. Pronouncing this upon a woman who drinks upwards of 30 ounces of milk per day is not unlike submitting her to Chinese water torture. I'm sure that calls of sympathy would be appreciated.
One of the unexpected questions that we had to field a handful of times at church yesterday is "Is she a good baby?" It seems like such an odd question, but apparently it's a normal one, if based only on how often we heard it yesterday. The cynic in me wants to respond, "Actually, she's a demon child straight from the pits of hell, but we love her anyway." I have, of course, yet to tell anybody that, though.
Thus ends Hunter Story Time, which means you get to look at pictures now.
I'm not sure what this pose is. She appears to, perhaps, be practicing her boxing:

Addie on another one of her tirades:

The "Let me think..." pose:

Dancing, perhaps? Shakin' the booty, it seems:

Sometimes she sneezes. And sometimes we have to have pictures to embarrass her with when we meet her boyfriends. Nice snot, Addie:

Cute baby:

Cute baby, again:

Life is tough, kiddo:

And, lastly, that crazy hair:
But... you don't get to see them quite yet. A few words from the Dad first:
I try to make a conscious effort to talk to the baby while changing her diaper and her clothes, if for nothing else to alleviate the boredom (either for her or for myself). While taking her clothes on and off, this often takes the form of describing what, exactly, I'm doing, so that I'm saying things like "And the right arm goes through the right armhole. And you put the left leg in..." Then I realized yesterday that what is really going on is the world's slowest game of the Hokey-Pokey. You put the right arm in. You put the right arm out. You put the right arm in, and you shake it all about. She hasn't quite made it to You do the Hokey-Pokey and you turn yourself around, but give it time.
On to less amusing news: Addie's umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday. That's really all there is to say about that.
Depressingly, the baby seems to have developed a food allergy to something in Ame's diet. Parts of Addie's face, neck, and chest (and, unfortunately, much of the diaper area) has broken out into bunches of little bumps. Ame consulted the local La Leche League leader to ask about this and was told that it's likely either milk or wheat, both of which are consumed in large quantity by a certain two members of our household. So, Ame's homework for the next month is to cut dairy from her diet. Pronouncing this upon a woman who drinks upwards of 30 ounces of milk per day is not unlike submitting her to Chinese water torture. I'm sure that calls of sympathy would be appreciated.
One of the unexpected questions that we had to field a handful of times at church yesterday is "Is she a good baby?" It seems like such an odd question, but apparently it's a normal one, if based only on how often we heard it yesterday. The cynic in me wants to respond, "Actually, she's a demon child straight from the pits of hell, but we love her anyway." I have, of course, yet to tell anybody that, though.
Thus ends Hunter Story Time, which means you get to look at pictures now.
I'm not sure what this pose is. She appears to, perhaps, be practicing her boxing:

Addie on another one of her tirades:

The "Let me think..." pose:

Dancing, perhaps? Shakin' the booty, it seems:

Sometimes she sneezes. And sometimes we have to have pictures to embarrass her with when we meet her boyfriends. Nice snot, Addie:

Cute baby:

Cute baby, again:

Life is tough, kiddo:

And, lastly, that crazy hair:

Wow. Wes and Ame, you guys sure did something right. She is absolutely beautiful. I hope to meet her sometime soon. God bless you and your new 3-person family.
-Krissi (Dean) Timmerman
Ame.. whenever things settle down, I'd love to talk! My email is
Hey Wesley,
The baby is beautiful!! Congratulations!!! I hope you and your wife are doing well. Sherri was nice enough to pass this site on to the folks in Warrensburg. I hope becoming a parent is not too much of a shock -- it's very full of ups and downs. After my last one seven months ago is kinda sad to think he is the last one. Please make sure to bring the baby up this way your Grandpa really does love the babies and I'm sure if you came we'd all love to see her.
Interesting to know.
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