The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Thursday, December 21, 2006

All hail the monkey baby

(Note: this doesn't have anything in particular to do with the pregnancy per se, but certainly it's better than nothing.)

When I was younger, my mom used to kid me about being part monkey, due in large part to my affinity for climbing trees, and perhaps as a result of my behavior as a whole. I am, at the same time, proud and perhaps embarrassed to announce that this may very well be a designation passed on to Addie.

Usually a time or two per month we will buy bananas during a trip to the grocery store. However, it seems that no matter how many bananas we buy, there is always one that does not get eaten. If we buy six bananas, we'll eat five. If we buy three bananas, we'll eat two. I'm fully convinced that we could buy only one banana and it would sit on the kitchen table until it was brown. I'm guessing that we do this because, subconsciously perhaps, we feel that we've done our bit by eating the majority of the bananas that were purchased. But that's beside the point.

This semi-monthly ritual of--and I'm naming it for the first time here-- the Tossing Out of the Banana, however, will hopefully end once Addie gets old enough to eat solid food. What better way to get rid of that extra, slightly-too-mushy banana than feeding it to a baby who really doesn't know any better? And with all those bananas she'll be consuming, certainly it won't be too out of line to suggest that she is part monkey as well?

Ame's still holding on (and so is Addie). She's begun having more and more contractions, hopefully a sign that the end is in sight. Cat (Ame's sister) came in from California on Tuesday to help us get the apartment in a little better order and to help cook meals and such to put in the freezer, so things will be a little easier once the baby gets here. She also brought with her 47 pounds of baby clothes, which are currently lying in a heap on the bedroom floor. Thanks, Cat.

That's pretty much all that's gone on lately. We'll keep you updated.


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