The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Blame it on the "baby brain"

The women from church threw a baby shower today for Ame (or, perhaps more appropriately, for Addie), to which Ame showed her gratefulness by arriving 45 minutes late. Having slept precious little the past couple of nights due to a significant deal of cramming for her Egpytian Art History final, as well as finishing a 12+ page paper for the same class, Ame went to bed last night without a care in the world, happy to be done with the semester and nothing to do save for getting ready for the baby.

Not a care, that is, except for the baby shower, which she promptly remembered at 10:30 this morning, 30 minutes after it was supposed to start. We were lying in bed, gradually waking up, when we heard a banging on a door somewhere. Thinking that perhaps it was the UPS guy, who has a habit of knocking rather loudly so we can come sign for whatever package has been sent to us, I decided that it wasn't worth rushing to the door; he'd be back on Monday. I noticed, however, that the banging wasn't coming from the front door, but it didn't seem to be coming from the back door, either. Ame wasn't so sure.

So I got up and walked into the kitchen just in time to see a figure walk past the kitchen window toward the front of our building. I continued into the living room and looked out the window, only to see our landlord's secretary, Vivian (who we attend church with, and who presumably was to be at the baby shower), getting into her minivan. As I began to put two and two together, and perhaps fearing for the worst, I walked back into the bedroom to remind Ame, "The baby shower is today." At this she nearly sat bolt upright, and began getting a little bit more histerical than was called for. Not more than 5 minutes later her phone rang, and I answered to find Vivian on the other line. If at first you don't succeed, apparently. So I handed the phone to Ame, and she assured them that she'd be able to be at the church in 10 minutes, half convinced that they were going to take her to the gallows when she arrived. All, however, went well, though I'm not yet aware of what all was given to us; we had to rush over to the library before it closed.

As for the baby, she's still hanging on. I'm afraid that I'm no longer able to post developmental lists, as the pregnancy websites don't go beyond 40 weeks, despite the fact that up to 42 weeks is still considered a normal gestational period. I do presume, though, that all she's really doing at this point is putting on weight; we may have a rather chunky little child by the time she arrives.

Part of me really wishes that Addie will actually be born on her due date, December 18th, if for nothing else because that's the date that has been stuck in our minds since the middle of May. For seven months now, I've been thinking of her "birthday" as December 18th, and I'm afraid it may be difficult to actually consider that she was born on a different day when all is said and done. I'm sure Ame feels the same way; she can hardly remember her own birthday (or, at least, her birth year). But to be fair, she wasn't exactly 'present' for the event, while I'm sure that she'll be very aware of what's going on when Addie finally comes along.

Anyway, that's all that there really is for now. The library, our only real source of the Internet, will stay open during the winter break, so keep checking back for pictures and stories and all that good stuff when the baby finally arrives. We should be able to have pictures up within a couple of days of her birth. But until then...

(As for the title of this post, "baby brain" refers to the conundrum that, as I understand it, many women face while they are pregnant, which manifests itself in, to put it shortly, making the mother dumb. She may perhaps forget basic mathematical principles, how to tie her shoes, relatively important dates, such as a baby shower, or even her very name. A rather lame excuse, if you ask me.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I"m so excited for you two!!! or three, if you think about it :) I'll be checking this blog like I"m getting paid to do just that - can't wait till baby Addie arrives!

3:34 PM  

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