Odds and Ends
To start, I apologize for the lack of updates lately. Updating is the sort of thing that just seems to get put off until it's too late in the evening to do it, only it happens that way every time I think to do it. So, this post will serve to more or less summarize the past couple of weeks.
Two Fridays ago, we went in for our second WIC appointment with Addie, and she weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds. She's putting on about half a pound a week, which means that she'll be roughly Godzilla-sized by six months. She's still at the 95th percentile for weight, though she was only at the 55th percentile for length. This means two things: (1) Addie is/was gearing up for a growth spurt, and (2) Addie is short and fat. Hopefully the first one alleviates the second.
We went to St. Louis last weekend, which proved to be eventful. I think Addie met more people there than she could ever hope to meet in her life. She slept much of Monday as a recovery. At church on Sunday, I was surprised at the couple of people who asked "Is it a boy or a girl?" This question, by itself, isn't all that remarkable, but it just kind of makes you scratch your head when they ask that question about a child with a pink floral shirt and flowers stitched all over her jeans. How much more obvious can you get?
Addie is becoming much more conversant. Perhaps we're just delusional parents, but it actually seems as though she's beginning to mimic the basic pattern of our words. She's already added "Yeah" and "No" to her vocabulary, and she's currently working on "I love you." All this from a two-month-old. Who knew? Seriously, though, she seemed to want to stay up half the night discussing anything at all a few nights ago. This is one child that we will never let near a phone so long as we're paying the bill.
We are both becoming more and more convinced that our child really is adorable, and not just to us. There have been multiple occasions where strangers, with no social obligation to comment at all, will say how beatiful/cute/etc. Addie is. Talk about being a proud parent.
She's also at the beginning stages of being able to roll over, it seems. A few days ago I had her lying (on the floor) on an open diaper, airing out. I went to take the wet diaper that I had just removed to the diaper pail, and when I came back she was on her side and off the diaper. Then today, when I did the same thing, she managed to kick the diaper out from under her and kick herself about six inches up.
We gave Addie a bath while we were in St. Louis, and based upon the way she moved her legs while she was in the water, I am guessing that she's either going to be a swimmer or a frog when she grows up.
The baby is sleeping much better at night, something that Ame in particular appreciates. We usually put her in a disposable diaper for nighttime, since they pull moisture away from her skin better than cloth diapers (and thus she can go longer without a diaper change, a definite plus during the night). As of late, she's been sleeping well enough not to even need her diaper changed during the night, which means that it tends to weigh in at about five pounds by the time morning comes around and she's made all of her nightly deposits.
Lastly, here are a couple of pictures, taken just a few minutes ago. I'll let Addie wave bye to you all tonight.

Two Fridays ago, we went in for our second WIC appointment with Addie, and she weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds. She's putting on about half a pound a week, which means that she'll be roughly Godzilla-sized by six months. She's still at the 95th percentile for weight, though she was only at the 55th percentile for length. This means two things: (1) Addie is/was gearing up for a growth spurt, and (2) Addie is short and fat. Hopefully the first one alleviates the second.
We went to St. Louis last weekend, which proved to be eventful. I think Addie met more people there than she could ever hope to meet in her life. She slept much of Monday as a recovery. At church on Sunday, I was surprised at the couple of people who asked "Is it a boy or a girl?" This question, by itself, isn't all that remarkable, but it just kind of makes you scratch your head when they ask that question about a child with a pink floral shirt and flowers stitched all over her jeans. How much more obvious can you get?
Addie is becoming much more conversant. Perhaps we're just delusional parents, but it actually seems as though she's beginning to mimic the basic pattern of our words. She's already added "Yeah" and "No" to her vocabulary, and she's currently working on "I love you." All this from a two-month-old. Who knew? Seriously, though, she seemed to want to stay up half the night discussing anything at all a few nights ago. This is one child that we will never let near a phone so long as we're paying the bill.
We are both becoming more and more convinced that our child really is adorable, and not just to us. There have been multiple occasions where strangers, with no social obligation to comment at all, will say how beatiful/cute/etc. Addie is. Talk about being a proud parent.
She's also at the beginning stages of being able to roll over, it seems. A few days ago I had her lying (on the floor) on an open diaper, airing out. I went to take the wet diaper that I had just removed to the diaper pail, and when I came back she was on her side and off the diaper. Then today, when I did the same thing, she managed to kick the diaper out from under her and kick herself about six inches up.
We gave Addie a bath while we were in St. Louis, and based upon the way she moved her legs while she was in the water, I am guessing that she's either going to be a swimmer or a frog when she grows up.
The baby is sleeping much better at night, something that Ame in particular appreciates. We usually put her in a disposable diaper for nighttime, since they pull moisture away from her skin better than cloth diapers (and thus she can go longer without a diaper change, a definite plus during the night). As of late, she's been sleeping well enough not to even need her diaper changed during the night, which means that it tends to weigh in at about five pounds by the time morning comes around and she's made all of her nightly deposits.
Lastly, here are a couple of pictures, taken just a few minutes ago. I'll let Addie wave bye to you all tonight.
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