The Addie Chronicles

The Life and Times of Addison Blythe Hunter

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The newest update ever!

I know some (maybe most?) of you check this every day and I apologize that we don't post more. Maybe after the baby gets here there will be more to post. There aren't too many exciting things happening at this point. We are counting down the weeks will the baby gets here -- although if she follows the tradition in my family she could be up to a month late. I am getting bigger and more uncomfortable, which is definitely making me look forward to her getting here more! I feel like I spend most of my time eating or sleeping--and if I'm not doing on or the other of those activities, I would really like to be!

Everyone is getting less sleep at night (which I am sure is good practice for after Addie gets here). I am sleeping less because I'm uncomfortable, have to run to the bathroom and because I am having contractions and Wes is sleeping less because I'm uncomfortable, have to run to the bathroom and I am having contractions. the baby isn't sleeping at night because she seems to enjoy all of the activity! At least once she gets here I can give her to Wes and let him try to get her to sleep part of the time--right now I get to deal with all of it, so I'm looking forward to the chance to let him share in the fun.

Wes has started his new job and seems to be enjoying it. He is surprised at how quickly time passes, which is a good thing since it seems like it would drag on when you are just sitting there talking to people on the phone for 7 hours! He gets to talk to people all over the country (the business or location he is calling shows up on his computer) so he comes home and tells me about people's funny accents. We are really enjoying the consistent hours of Wes's job--he's home by 4 so we can spend the whole evening together on a regular basis.

I'm still doing prenatal yoga, and my instructor has talked to me about doing some training and maybe teaching a class once a week for the Mennonite and Amish women in the area--something I would really like to do. I have six more weeks of classes and am having a hard time concentrating on getting the work done. It just don't seem like much of a priority anymore with the baby coming (don't worry dad, I'm still making A's). It tends to be a bit distracting during a lecture to have the baby kicking me and wiggling around--its much more fun to play with her than to take notes!

That's all for now. We'll post some more belly pictures soon.


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